Play Device Manager

SouthWinds Tech, July 2023

Keywords: Play, Device Management, Artisan, Automation, Registry, Endpoint Configuration, Telemetry, Security Vulnerability Patching

Abstract: Manage Linux, Windows and/or Kubernetes devices securely and at scale, without using public IPs or connecting to the devices...

Also available in: Español

onix config manager

Play is a secure web based console that allows you to automate remote instances of Linux, Windows and Kubernetes (i.e. devices).

Play can:

  • manage devices in public or private networks without inbound connections
  • scale to thousands of devices
  • deploy Kubernetes and its applications in minutes

Play allows an administrator to see real time status of connected devices and issue commands for remote execution. These commands can be anything from altering configuration on the device to issuing calls to APIs. They also can utilize any toolchain that is required to execute the task.

All automation is packaged, encrypted and digitally signed. It cannot be tampered nor modified after the package has been released, therefore ensuring no one can execute malicious code in the device.

Play can configure collectors to send telemetry information to different types of backends for processing.

Out of the analysis of telemetry, automated configuration actions can be created. This can help to achieve a self configuring IT landscape (zero touch infrastructure). For example, monitoring disk space might lead to the invocation of a command to remove unnecessary files on a set of endpoints if an out of space condition is detected.

It can also do zero touch deployment, that is, as soon as one or more devices are powered up and connected, Play can automatically and remotely deploy software ensuring no specific installation actions are done manually.

Key Features

  • Scalable: a large number of devices can be managed
  • Secure: encrypted, signed automation; no inbound connections to the device are required
  • Flexible search: define your own tags for searching and displaying devices
  • Telemetry[ 1 ]: automated collection of telemetry data
  • Linux device vulnerability status[ 1 ]: automated scanning of device Linux for vulnerabilities
  • TPM based device identification[ 1 ]: using TPM Quote for remote attestation.
  • Kubernetes Native: runs in K8S, deploy K8S clusters, manage K8S clusters, deploy K8S applications.
  • Plug & Play[ 1 ]: connect a device to a network and automatically perform all IT configuration without human intervention.


In order to provide progress visibility we offer an indicative roadmap showing what we have built, what we are building and what we will likely build in the future.

The future roadmap is subject to change without notice, and so feel free to get in touch to provide feedback or feature requests.

We are currently running an early access programme for Play, so you can try it for free and provide us with valuable feedback. If you are interested in participating, please get in touch.

[ 1 ] see roadmap for availability.

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